torsdag 8. januar 2009

Kazan sketch 17 (and bonus sketch) and challenge at Sukkersøtt

I have made both the main sketch at 2s4u and the bonus sketch. It was not easy making cards this time. I had many ideas and i tried to make Kazan's sketch with colours that did'nt work. But i started over again today and made this green and brown owl card.
The bonus sketch was a lillte bit more easy to work it. I knew i wanted the colours blue and brown and i kept the card simple. I am goving to give it to a friend of mine on saturday at his birthday!

The cup-cake card is made after a sketch i found at Sukkersøtt. I also had a little bit problems making this card and i wounder if i ain't in the mood of making cards these days. Sometimes i want to make something but soloutions doesn't come easy to me! Thats how we all are, i think!

12 kommentarer:

  1. Flotte kort! Brunt og blått er virkelig stilig sammen :-)

  2. ...så du hadde vært innom bloggen min, -koselig. Jeg er helt ny i dette "Gamet" så jeg svarer på spørsmålet ditt her, jeg... Jeg kjøpte bokmerke-plastlommen på Stempelmessa på Lillestrøm høsten 2007, tror jeg, men husker ikke hos hvilken forhandler, men de hadde det hos flere, så det tror jeg sikkert er greit å få tak i nå også... Veeeeldig praktisk, iallefall!! (Jeg pleier ofte å spise et eller annet mens jeg leser, så det er lurt av den grunn også.. *ler*)

  3. awesome work Heidi - that striking red heart on the green is gorgeous. Thanks for taking the time to do Peet's sketch too
    We love your blog too :)

  4. Pretty cards! Great job with the sketches!


  5. Your cards are really gorgeous! All have an understated elegance to them! Great takes on this week's sketches!

  6. Så flotte kort du har laget!!! Helt knall!!!

  7. Fabulous interpretations of both 2s4y sketches, love them both!!

  8. Kjempeflotte kort du har laga.Ugla er jo bare så søt da.:-)

  9. Liker fargene du har valgt veldig. godt. Blått og brunt er nydelig sammen.

    Har en hel haug med kosr som skulle vært lagd. Bursdagsres i omgangskretsen til ungene. Men det var det med tid og inspirasjon, da...

    Kos deg i helga. :)
